About Peru Marketplace

About Peru Marketplace
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) will provide two systems to enterprises for the electronic management of their foreign trade operations;
So enterprises will be able to integrate their documentation and business information with the applications generated through Peruvian Foreign Trade Single Window (VUCE), and to have a channel of contact among Peruvian exporters and potential international buyers, and foreign trade service providers.
Mincetur guarantee the confidentiality of all information that is recorded and transmitted through the above systems by the enterprises, and that information and/or documentation will be used only for the purposes for which it has been provided.
The aims of two systems are to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, especially in relation to micro, small and medium-sized Peruvian enterprises related to foreign trade, and to facilitate foreign trade through electronic means of communication.
Peru´s Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) will validate the data of all Peruvian export enterprises which are registered in the systems.
One of the two systems is a marketplace that allows exporters, importers and foreign trade service providers can interact to each other. The other system is intended for the micro, small and medium-sized Peruvian enterprises related to foreign trade for the information and documentation management of their foreign trade operations.